B3 Better consists of a team of highly educated coaches and trainers with a vast knowledge in building strong and successful teams. Our experience in training players from the Olympics to the national leagues like the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL etc., as well as the ability to create custom programs in a group setting, makes our product stand apart from other programs and trainers.

The best coaches, the best training tools and programs are right here at your fingertips. Our assessment allows you to understand as an athlete not only where you stack up to the competition, but also what steps you need to take in order for you to reach your personal ceiling. An athlete can also know that all of their data is verified and accurate and college coaches know and trust the information received.

Meet the Coaches

Atheletes We’ve Trained

Our Partners

B3 Better has partnered up with leading companies in their respective fields to bring each athlete the best and most comprehensive athletic training and testing.

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E Jacksonville, FL 32256

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